Records ID:


ID: 1
NAME: Big Bang Cosmology
AUTHOR: Jonathan S. Ostroff
DATE: 2004-12-01
ABSTRACT: The universe is confidently asserted to be at least 14 billion years old based on the outstanding successes of the big bang theory. But this confuses necessary conditions with sufficient conditions. There are at least six unproven assumptions needed for the theory, numbered (a) to (f) in the sequel, that have never been experimentally demonstrated. Two of the assumptions are foundational, three of the assumptions involve the need to postulate hypothetical entities that have never been experimentally observed, without which the theory would be in contradiction of experimental observations. The last assumption involves experimentally observed anomalies that flatly contradict the theory even in the presence of the postulated hypothetical entities. The absence of experimental confirmation2 of these assumptions makes the whole basis for the 14 billion year age calculation highly speculative.
TAG: Science
ID: 2
NAME: Torah, Science and Evolution
AUTHOR: Jonathan S. Ostroff
DATE: 2013-12-01
ABSTRACT: Biological and chemical evolution are wishful speculations. Intelligent Design is implicated.
TAG: Science
ID: 3
NAME: Plan and Purpose
AUTHOR: Jonathan S. Ostroff
DATE: 2019-03-18
ABSTRACT: Physics, Chemistry and Biology are buzzing with Plan and Purpose. A purposeful arrangement of parts always implicates Design.
TAG: Torah
ID: 4
NAME: The Marvelous Eye
AUTHOR: Jonathan S. Ostroff
DATE: 2022
ABSTRACT: The human eye is a marvel of engineering with a purposeful arrangement of parts and nano-machinery able to detect light down to a single photon. Organs of perfection such as eyes, wings and the mammalian brains are signs pointing to the enormous wisdom and kindliness of the Creator. It is a scientific scandal for scientists to claim that these organs of perfection arise via unguided natural and accidental processes when other scientists admit that this is just wishful speculation.
TAG: Science